Landlords should act now following the government’s announcement it intends to extend the need for carbon monoxide alarms in all rented accommodation.
The proposed changes follow a three-month consultation which sought landlords’ views to bring requirements for smoke and carbon monoxide alarms in the social rented sector in line with the private rented sector.
The new legislation would ensure at least one smoke alarm is fitted on all floors in all rental in England. It also requires the installation of a carbon monoxide alarm in any room used as living accommodation where a fixed combustion appliance is used for both private and social landlords (this excludes gas cookers). Previously it only applied to solid fuel appliances.
Landlords will also be required to repair or replace any alarms reported as faulty although tenants will still be responsible for testing all the alarms during their tenancy.
Sheldon Bosley Knight’s Head of Lettings Carolyn Arnold said: “We welcome the new regulations as anything that helps to make tenants safer is a good thing.
“We know these alarms save lives and with the increasing number of homes being fitted with solid fuel fires and boilers that stop working properly, it is vital they are installed and done so correctly.
“However, we urge landlords to act now to avoid any problems in sourcing the numbers of alarms they need to be compliant with the law when it comes into force.”
Carbon monoxide alarms can be bought at most DIY shops, but some fire stations offer them free. Fire officers will also come and fit smoke alarms if necessary.
Sometimes referred to as the ‘silent killer’, statistics estimate about 20 people die from accidental carbon monoxide poisoning every year.
Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning can include dizziness, nausea, tiredness, difficulty breathing, headaches and stomach pains.
If you have any concerns or questions about these changes to the legislation or about carbon monoxide poisoning, please do not hesitate to contact us for further advice or information.