Sheldon Bosley Knight (SBK) has acquired Hereford-based Fair2Landlords Limited (F2L) bringing a vibrant lettings portfolio of over 600 properties to SBK’s business.
F2L was established a number of years ago by a very entrepreneurial property developer who couldn’t get the quality of service he required from his local agents. Clearly this resonated with fellow landlords and he quickly built up a significant following.
At the turn of the year, with increasing regulation and more lucrative opportunities afoot, he decided it was time to sell a business that now covers four counties.
SBK custodian, Mike Cleary said: “This is a break from the norm for SBK but not an opportunity we could pass up. F2L is effectively an office-less business which charges a lower monthly fee topped up by add-ons such as inspections.
“Our intention is to open a new office in Solihull where we see plenty of potential for growth whilst servicing the acquired client bank. Where appropriate an existing SBK local office will look after the tenants and landlords.”
SBK, which celebrates its 180th birthday this year, has more than 120 in-house staff in offices across Coventry and Warwickshire, Gloucestershire, Leicestershire, Worcestershire and the Cotswolds.
Fair2Landlords is the fourth acquisition for SBK this year and unlikely to be the last.
The photograph shows the new lettings team of Kelly Wright, Jo Egan and SBK’s head of lettings, Becca Dean (left to right).