First approvals received under new Class Q and Class R criteria

Sheldon Bosley Knight’s planning and architecture team is celebrating after receiving the first approvals for clients under the updated Agricultural Permitted Development Rights.

Changes to Class Q and R permitted development rights came into effect on May 21 this year. They allow up to 10 dwellings to be created (albeit of a smaller size) and up to 1,000 sqm of commercial floorspace per agricultural holding.

This is an increase from the previous five unit and 500 sqm of floorspace limits.

The client has a farmyard with serval buildings, many of which he would have had to demolish under the old criteria due to their cumulative size and the limit on the number of units that could be created.

Under the new criteria he was able to convert three buildings into seven residential buildings and one additional building into a 1,000 sqm commercial unit for self-storage use.

Associate director and head of planning and architecture, Natasha Blackmore da Silva said: “The recent changes to Class Q and Class R have taken time for planners and councils to digest, with the first approvals under the new system only just starting to come through.

“There are clear benefits for those who want to make the most out of their buildings, although there may be limitations for those who would prefer to create fewer, larger units.

“In this case, the new system worked perfectly for the client who was able to maximise the buildings on his site with limited demolition.”

If you have agricultural buildings you are looking to convert and you think may benefit from the recent changes, please contact us. Similarly, if you would like to apply under the old system, applications can still be considered until May 21, 2025.

Please call us on 01789 387880 or email to discuss development options.