Our planning and architecture team is celebrating after having secured planning approval for a new agricultural building.
The applicant bought the land in 2020 with the view of establishing an agricultural enterprise on the site.
Currently the land is being used for chickens, sheep grazing and hay production. The lack of buildings has meant the hay produced could not be stored on site.
It is also intended to expand the venture in the future which added an extra demand and need for the building. Once built it will serve the existing agricultural business and provide sufficient provision for it to expand over the coming years.
The applicant said: “This is brilliant news, we are so chuffed, and it is a relief to say the least.
“Thank you so much for all your help and hard work with this, we are over the moon!”

SBK’s associate director and head of the planning and architecture team, Natasha Blackmore da Silva (pictured) said: “This approval was hard fought, requiring us attending three planning committees and overcoming a number of deferrals before it was finally approved by unanimous vote.”
If you have a need for agricultural buildings on your land and would like advice on the planning options, please email planning@sheldonbosleyknight.co.uk or call the team on 01789 387880.