Sheldon Bosley Knight’s planning team is celebrating after securing planning approval for the change of use of a Grade II Listed holiday let into a residential annexe.
The existing property was a small two-bed holiday let in Medbourne, Leicestershire, which the owners wished to turn into an annexe for an elderly relative.
The parish council had objected as it was concerned about the loss of tourism accommodation. However, as there was already a high concentration of holiday accommodation in the area, the team successfully argued the loss of this small, single unit would not have a negative impact on it.
As there were no physical changes to the building the local authority’s conservation officer had no objection to the scheme.
The case officer recommended the application for approval and it was granted at a planning committee meeting on March 26.
Head of planning and architecture, Natasha Blackmore da Silva said: “This was not a straightforward change of use application.
“Due to objection from the parish council, we had to argue that not only would the scheme not result in any loss of employment in Medbourne, but also the removal of a holiday let unit would not negatively impact tourism opportunities in the area.
“We worked closely with both the new and former owners of the premises to provide sufficient evidence to demonstrate there was a higher-than-normal level of holiday accommodation in Medbourne, and the loss of this single unit would not be detrimental to tourism in the area.
“My team worked very hard to get this approved and I know the applicant is very happy their relative will be able to move in soon.”
If you have a building you would like to change the use of and would like advice on the planning options, please email the team at or call 01789 387880.