Don’t be blue this Monday

Today is Blue Monday, nominated as the most depressing day of the year. But is it really? We don’t think so and suggest you don’t be fooled by the PR hype.

Why not turn that phrase on its head, ditch the negative connotations and think about it in a positive way?

For us at Sheldon Bosley Knight (SBK), blue is a great colour – so much so we incorporated it into our branding alongside a vibrant orange. We think it’s smart, professional and friendly – something we at SBK we aim to be at all times.

We aren’t the only ones. It is a popular choice when it comes to branding, whether it’s an organisation’s logo, part of a uniform, or even as a backdrop to advertise products and services – Coventry City FC, FaceBook, Ikea and Barclays Bank are just a few who’ve embraced it.

Away from the corporate world, pop music has a plethora of references to it – for example Elvis sang about his Blue Suede Shoes, Bowie about Blue Jeans, Elton John’s Blue Eyes and Lana del Ray Blue Velvet.

It is also a fantastic colour to incorporate in some way into your home. For example, a royal or navy hue on a front door gives a property a smart look and we all know how much first impressions count.

Using it inside is also to be encouraged. A pale shade can create a relaxing ambience, giving a room a sense of serenity, calm and peace – perfect for a bathroom or bedroom especially if you want to aid a decent night’s sleep.

As well as featuring it on the walls, think of adding it into your soft furnishings. Create a luxe feel in your sitting room by choosing it for your curtains, rugs, cushions, lampshades and throws or even on big pieces of furniture such as sofas and chairs.

In the kitchen, blue cabinetry is still having a moment so if you can afford it and want to follow this trend, you won’t be alone. You could also experiment with a few pieces of crockery or glassware to add interest to the dining table.

Whatever your budget, even the smallest changes will bring a freshness to the room and in turn boost your mood.

So instead of feeling blue, let’s embrace all the positives of this Blue Monday.