Happy World Earth Day!

Staff at Sheldon Bosley Knight (SBK) are embracing Earth Day today (April 22) by pledging to do more to reduce their carbon footprint.
World Earth Day began in 1970 in a bid to educate and encourage people across the world to help combat climate change. In the years since, Earth Day’s network of activities has grown and developed so it now has over a billion people taking part in more than 190 countries across the world.
And now more than ever, it is crucial to do our bit if we are to reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by the middle of this century to keep the global temperature below 1.5°C.
SBK already works in close partnership with the Mortgage Branch in Cheltenham which sponsors the planting of a tree for every mortgage that completes. So far 648 trees have been planted in the past 12 months.
The Mortgage Branch also offers a free annual membership to Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust, for every young family it helps to buy a home.
Sheldon Bosley Knight’s head of residential sales, James Morton said: “We can and should all do our bit to reduce our carbon footprint and as a company we need to lead by example.
“We want to be more sustainable in terms of how we operate as a business and are constantly looking at ways to do so.
“With that in mind, we are encouraging our staff to commit to bring forward ideas in how we can and should do things in a more sustainable and environmentally friendly way – whether this is to reduce the amount of paper we use, or eliminate it entirely, use green web hosting services, recycle more or reduce our energy consumption.
“Our aim is to adopt as many of their ideas as we can and for our staff to continue to think about how they can reduce their carbon footprint further – both at work and at home.
“This is just a starting point from which to build a more sustainable and environmentally conscious business.”