Meet Josh Shevas who has recently joined Sheldon Bosley Knight as financial controller. He brings with him a wealth of expertise in the financial world and is also rather good at hockey, playing for Worcester! Welcome Josh!

What is your job title and where are you based?
I’m financial controller based in the Evesham office.
What is your role and what does your job entail?
Internal finance control over reporting and day to day financial processing, preparing service charge accounts and other ad hoc financial tasks.
What did you do before this job?
I was an auditor manager for BDO and I was there for four years.
How did you get into your chosen career and how long have you worked within it?
I have worked in finance for nine years and fell in to accounting after choosing not to pursue other career paths.
What attracted you to working for Sheldon Bosley Knight?
It is in an industry I am keen on and I was offered a role that was a new challenge from that which I have done before.
What’s the best bit about your job?
Definitely the people I work with.
What qualifications or training do you need to do this job?
I am a qualified accountant with management experience and to continue in this job you need regular continuing professional development (CPD) to continue to develop and keep up-to-date which the changing finance industry.
What motivates you to work hard?
To keep developing and to settle in to my new role.
Who or what inspires you?
Seeing those people I have helped in training, develop and progress through their careers.
What are your career goals?
To progress in the property industry.
What do you do when you are not at work?
When I’m not in the office I am very into my sports. I watch rugby and am currently playing hockey for Worcester. When not involved in gym or sports I spend time with my family and dogs of which I have three.
What is the best piece of career advice you have ever been given?
Take all your opportunities to experience as much as you can and continue to progress.