Meet the team….. Steve Bell

What is your role at SBK?
Commercial property and business sales


What is your job title?
Senior commercial agent


What does or will your job entail?
Helping people to achieve the best price for their assets, be they property or businesses, by exploiting modern and innovative marketing techniques to find the best buyer for each unit.


Is there or will there be a typical day?
Most mornings are spent on the phone or dealing with emails, then in the afternoons I’m out meeting business and property owners.


What did you do before this job?
I’ve worked in property and business brokerage for 23 years, having started as a residential agent in Coventry after completing my apprenticeship with Rover Cars. I have worked in local, regional and national firms and have dealt with international transactions, some totalling several millions of pounds.


What attracted you to working for Sheldon Bosley Knight?
I have always admired the company and enjoy working for growing businesses who are interested in innovative marketing. I saw an opportunity come up and I couldn’t not apply. I met with Mark Treadwell and Mike Cleary and it was clear we were on the same page in terms of service levels and ideas.


What’s the best bit about your job?
Meeting a wide range of people from different walks of life and learning about their journey through life which has brought them to the point they are at now. I also enjoy helping people to realise the maximum possible value for their assets through a clear and proven process.


What qualifications or training do you need to do this job?
Enthusiasm and a love of people.


What motivates you to work hard?
Being the best and leaving people wanting to refer their friends to me.


Who or what inspires you?
My children inspire me to be constantly trying to improve. My daughter (aged 12) does ballet and practices to improve her poise and movement daily. My son (aged nine) is a defender in his football team and is always striving to advance his positional awareness and strength in tackling. This helps me to stay focussed on continual learning. Even after 23 years in the industry I spend around 10 hours each week learning from other agents and professionals through courses and podcasts.


What are your career goals?
To train, coach and develop other people to master the processes involved in achieving the best outcomes for clients. Leaving a legacy of excellence in the industry.


What is the best piece of career advice you have ever been given?
Get up early and go for a walk and be back before most of the world wakes up. It clears the mind and sets up the day in the right way.