Meet the team – Meg Orr

What is your Sheldon Bosley Knight job title and where are you based?

I am the team leader of the director’s office, and I am based in Leamington Spa.

What is your role and what does your job entail?

The director’s office was created to capture missed calls in the offices while our teams are busy out on viewings, valuations, or having meaningful conversations with customers. In the director’s office we attempt to answer as many of the calls as possible which would usually get missed. We also call our customers after their valuations to ensure we are providing them with the best service we possibly can. My job entails carrying out the typical duties of the director’s office as well as overseeing the team. In a typical day I’d contact as many customers as I can for feedback, while covering the inbound lines and keeping in check with my team.

What did you do before joining Sheldon Bosley Knight?

I’ve been working in combined sales/customer service roles for the last few years.

How did you get into the property industry?

I got into the property industry completely by accident. I was looking for a change and hadn’t even thought about property until I spotted the job. The minute I walked into the Leamington office for my interview, I knew I wanted to work for Sheldon Bosley Knight.

What attracted you to working for Sheldon Bosley Knight?

Absolutely the culture. I loved the office the minute I walked in and the conversations I had with my manager at my interview. I love the attitude to customer centricity as well as staff wellbeing and the trust the company places in us as individuals.

What’s the best bit about your job?

I love the conversations I have with customers during our calls. It’s amazing what you can end up chatting to people about during a feedback call. The snacks in the office are a bonus too!

What qualifications or training do you need to do this job?

No qualifications or training are needed for my job. I have some previous experience managing a team.

What motivates you to work hard?

I love the feeling I get after achieving, alongside watching individuals in my team grow.

Who or what inspires you?

My parents. They are both very hard-working people who love what they do. They’ve set a great work/life balance example for me.

What are your career goals?

I’d like to continue building and growing individuals within my team and see more and more people succeed!

What do you do when you are not at work?

I spend a lot of time at the gym and I am training for a marathon in Mallorca at the end of the year. I love sport and being outdoors, no matter what the weather.

What is the best piece of career advice you have ever been given?

Be yourself always, and build your role around you rather than build yourself to a role.